The 2025 Dorchester Conference
April 25th-27th
Join us April 25th-27th at the Mt Hood Resort for the oldest political conference in the U.S., the 59th annual Dorchester Conference!
Engage in lively discussions, network with influential Republicans, and shape the future of politics.
In keeping with the original format of the Dorchester Conference, the 2025 conference will be invitation only. If you have not attended Dorchester in the past or did not receive an invitation, please request one.
Room blocks and rates now available.
68010 East Fairway Avenue, Welches, Oregon, OR 97067
(503) 622-3101
Sponsorships are available for conference content, golf tournament, events, receptions, meals and more.
Host a party Friday or Saturday night! Take over a Golf Villa for the evening and provide guests with refreshments.
Get in front of attendees to share your message about your organization or political campaign.